Monday, July 16, 2012

What is a sandwich, and why do we love it?

Joey from Friends was obsessed with them. For Subway's Jared, they are a way of life. The Men at Work sang about a vegemite sandwich. So what exactly IS a sandwich, and why do we feel so strongly about it? tells us that a sandwich is:
1.two or more slices of bread or the like with a layer of meat, fish, cheese, etc., between each pair.

My bookshelf's Merriam Webster Dictionary from the SEVENTIES gives us a little more history by telling us the sandwich is named after John Mantagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich.

Some may think of the bread (or pita or roll or bun or "wrapper") as simply a vessel for the filler, but I strongly disagree. The bread's complementary flavor, texture, and proportion are essential to the sandwich.

Sandwiches know no limit in borders or languages or cultures. The pickiest kids love them (even if sans crust only) and adults salivate just thinking about them (what, you don't?). They are vastly diverse in composition and flavor. They are traditional, simple, complex, and contemporary. They are breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snack, and tea time. They are a meal shared among strangers or close friends, and they taste of a place faraway or up the street. They remind you of a person, a funny or interesting story, a weekend trip with friends.

In many ways, sandwiches are like people. You never forget the really amazing ones.

As WB alluded to below, we both love food (especially sandwiches) and crave adventure. So, all of that being said....


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